Monday, July 23, 2018

Revival of my own Interest in Shirret 2018: Surface Design Association

Surface Design Association of Connecticut is a chapter of a national group of textile and design artists. - - Recent exhibitions include the artisan collection Fair Haven Furniture, New Haven in late 2017.

The SDA Call for Entries theme announced was of text and words, curator Bruce Hoffman.

Sketches I made as I thought about words, women,
atomic bombs, the earliest stages of civilization, and the Venus de Willendorf

Somehow as I started sketching, in my combustive state after another suggestion of war with North Korea, climate change denial, and the incendiary comments made regularly as if this were normal behavior, I thought about the power of women.

I thought about the Venus de Willendorf, one of my favorite works of art, created in Paleolithic Age Europe around the year 28,000 bc, or around 30,000 years ago, and found in lower Austria.

It is thought that women carved these icons, while looking down at their own bodies, and from looking at their reflections in the surface of still water.

I worked on this 5 days to get a 'cartoon' idea of it out, photographed and submitted it for the show to get it in on deadline. Then I tore it out.

The next morning I began remaking it with better technique. It was way too primitive.

I have another idea for a simple one, made with 3 round shapes surrounded by a row of stripes.


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